
PAe - The diputación de Granada will make available to municipalities a new electronic platform administration
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The diputación de Granada will make available to municipalities a new electronic platform administration

09 september 2015

The new platform of electronic administration is a common project coordinated by the Junta de andalucia for the municipalities of Granada, jaen, Huelva and seville.

The president of the diputación de Granada has emphasized his commitment to move forward in the electronic administration and municipal councils provide tools to enable them to streamline the procedures that affect the citizens.

We have stated before technicians responsible for the electronic administration of various andalusian government, who have gathered today in Granada. It is the latest technical meeting executive and pre-launch of the new electronic platform administration (MOAD-H), which the Diputación de Granada is going to make available to the approximately 100 municipalities in the province which has been requested.

The new platform of electronic administration is a common project, funded under ERDF that coordination of the Junta de andalucía, will provide the municipalities of Granada, jaen, Huelva and Seville a tool that allows citizens to electronic access to public services, in accordance with the law of E-government.

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  • Citizen
  • Electronic services
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