(English version) Royal Decree 4/2010, of January 8th, which regulates the National Interoperability Framework within the e-government scope [Spanish National Interoperability Framework]
(2022 translation) (PDF-891 KB)
(English version) Spain. Law 11/2007, of 22 June, on Citizens' Electronic Access to Public Services (2010 translation)
(PDF-0,99 MB)
(English version) Spain. Royal Decree 806/2014 of 19 September on the organisation and operational tools of the information and communication technologies in the General State Administration and its public bodies (2015 translation) (PDF)
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(English version) Spain. Royal Decree 802/2014 of 19 September, amending Royal Decree 390/1998 of 13 March, (establishes the functions and structure of the Directorate for Information Tecnologies and Communications
) (2015 translation) (PDF)
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