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Transparency and good governance

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The Law 19/13 of 9 december, of transparency, access to public information and good governance , aims to expand and strengthen the transparency of public activity, regulate and guarantee the right of access to information concerning that activity and lay down the obligations of good governance to be met by public officials.

The act applies to all public administrations and the entire public sector, as well as other institutions, such as the house of his majesty the king, the General council of the judiciary, the constitutional court, the congress of deputies, the senate, the bank of spain, the ombudsman, the court of auditors, the economic and Social council and the autonomous institutions, in connection with the activities subject to Administrative law.

  • Law of transparency, access to public information and good governance

    Law 19/13 of 9 december, of transparency, access to public information and good governance.

  • Active advertising

    All agencies involved in the transparency act, published periodically updated and relevant information in order to ensure the transparency of its activity.

  • Derecho de acceso a la información pública

    Is the right of access to public information under the constitution article 105.b), it being understood as public information content or documents in whatever support or format, which is in the possession of the administration and that have been developed or acquired in the exercise of their functions.

  • Council of the transparency and good governance

    Independent public body with legal personality and aims at promoting transparency in public life, ensure the implementation of the obligations of advertising, safeguard the exercise of right of access to public information and to guarantee the observance of the provisions of good governance.

  • Law of transparency, access to public information and good governance

    Law 19/13 of 9 december, of transparency, access to public information and good governance.

  • Active advertising

    All agencies involved in the transparency act, published periodically updated and relevant information in order to ensure the transparency of its activity.

  • Right of access to public information

    Is the right of access to public information under the constitution article 105.b), it being understood as public information content or documents in whatever support or format, which is in the possession of the administration and that have been developed or acquired in the exercise of their functions.

  • Council of the transparency and good governance

    Independent public body with legal personality and aims at promoting transparency in public life, ensure the implementation of the obligations of advertising, safeguard the exercise of right of access to public information and to guarantee the observance of the provisions of good governance.