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In Navarre, reduce the number of documents required for processing dossiers.

14 june 2013

The executive has known the comprehensive Plan of Administrative Simplification, which will be elaborated draft public participation.

The government of Navarra reduced from next year the number of documents required for citizens in the processing of files, so to submit documents such as the nac and cadastral certificates, social security Tax, finance or academic qualifications will not be necessary in the proceedings before the executive.

This measure is included in the business Plan, an Administrative Simplification project that the executive foral has known in its meeting on wednesday.

The initiative aims to streamline, reduce "and standardize the administrative procedures, and, at the same time, promote the relationship through e-government, all this with the aim of enabling citizens to see reduced costs in time and money to generate the processing of their affairs to the administration".

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  • Citizen
  • Electronic services


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