MOBILE WORLD made available to all stakeholders, the Latest dossier produced by the National Observatory of open source Software

- MOBILE WORLD PAe Dossier on communities of release of the code of open source software
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Dossier on MOBILE WORLD communities of release of the code of open source software

21 september 2011

MOBILE WORLD made available to all stakeholders, the Latest dossier produced by the National Observatory of open source Software

MOBILE WORLD made available to all stakeholders, the Latest dossier produced by the National Observatory of open source Software. This Last issue is especially dedicated to the Field of public administration, it presented different models and examples of liberation comunidadades open source code in the public authorities. The case studies, elected by their relevance, show a wide range of purposes.

The report is available at: option = com _ content = article = 730:dosiier-nuevo = 5:administraciones-publicas = 21

We hope that all those who you are interested in your projects release would be of great interest.


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