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Begin the work of the Corporate Systems of the government of Extremadura.

28 march 2012

The general directorate of E-government of the government of Extremadura will public foundations based in the region Fundecyt Cénits-computaex MOBILE WORLD, and for the development of the strategic Plan for Corporate Systems of the government of Extremadura, one of the 10 specific programmes of the reorganization Plan of Operating Technological Environment (Plan CHALLENGE), which aims to unify all existing technology policy.

The general directorate of E-government of the government of Extremadura will public foundations based in the region Fundecyt Cénits-computaex MOBILE WORLD, and for the development of the strategic Plan for Corporate Systems of the government of Extremadura, one of the 10 specific programmes of the reorganization Plan of Operating Technological Environment (Plan CHALLENGE), which aims to unify all existing technology policy in Extremadura. The objective of the Challenge is to use resources more efficiently, optimizing costs and budgets for computing infrastructure of the administration extremadura.

  • Open government, reports and studies


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