
PAe - ai solutions in the european public sector
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Ai solutions in the european public sector

09 september 2021

Presents the data set recently published for information on cases used Artificial intelligence (IA) in the public sector agencies.

This is the recent set (Opens in new window) of data (Opens in new window)   published by the european commission to better understand cases used Artificial intelligence in the public sector agencies. The data set is published by the Joint research centre (Opens in new window) (JRC) in the context of action European solutions of interoperability of locations for e-government (Opens in new window) (ELISE).

The cases included in the set of data are compiled by AI Watch (Opens in new window) , an initiative for awareness of the european commission. The commission has undertaken a number of activities, such as surveys, workshops, interviews and desk research within AI Watch for compiling cases. These cases provide a better understanding of the type of ai solutions available in the european governments. Each case in the dataset is documented in a title, the main country of adoption, the administrative level and a web link to find more information. In Addition, please consult the cases through AI-X pilot, a viewer (Opens in new window) , which displays the cases for all european countries.

The data set should not be regarded as a full inventory and systematic ai solutions in europe, but must be used as a way to find some examples of adoption and implementation of IA in the european governments. The data set is openly available and will be continuously updated, at least until the end of 2021. You can use this online survey (Opens in new window) to add new cases.

Original source of news (Opens in new window)

  • Electronic services
  • Interadministrativa cooperation