Comisi n Sectorial de Tecnolog as de la Informaci n y las Comunicaciones de la Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Espa waves

( CRUE-TIC ) has published a gu to Sectoral commission on information and communication technologies of the conference of rectors of Universities Of Spain ( CRUE-TIC ) has published a guide whose aim is to promote and assist the national universities to take initiatives open database own; contributing to building an open university of the twenty-first century. "/>

PAe - Guía de recomendaciones para una universidad abierta
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Guide of recommendations for an open university

03 september 2014

The Sectoral commission on information and communication technologies of the conference of rectors of Universities Of Spain ( CRUE-TIC ) has published una guía whose aim is to promote and assist the national universities to take initiatives open database own; contributing to building an open university of the twenty-first century.

A través de dicho documento, se establecen las bases sobre las cuales las universidades en España pueden abrir sus datos de forma coherente, desarrollando políticas de acceso abierto al conocimiento, tanto docente como investigador.

The document provides a general introduction to the culture of open data, making a tour of the different concepts and their foundations and including examples of initiatives. In turn promotes corporate decision-making minimum orientation and thrust of efforts with a range of basic formulations of these policies and assuming the decalogue of good practice in the opening of the data set up in the day Open Data in Euskadi, held in the year 2012:

1. Publication of data in open formats and standards.

2. Schemes and metadata common vocabulary.

3. Inventory in a catalogue of structured data.

4. Data accessible from web addresses pollutants and friendly.

5. Mínimo de datasets relativos al nivel de competencias del organismo y su estrategia de exposición de datos

6. Commitment of service, updating and quality of data.

7. Monitoring and evaluation of the use and service through metrics.

8. Datos bajo condiciones de uso no restrictivas y comunes.

9. Evangelization and education on the use of data.

10. Recopilación de aplicaciones, herramientas y manuales para motivar y facilitar la reutilización.

To help universities to develop data open, it has been carried out a review of data portals open universities at international level, and the result of this document includes a list of categories of most common data published by academic institutions. In addition, the panel CRUE-TIC is currently working on a consensual initial census datasets (access, qualifications, enrolment and graduation of students, teaching provided, investigation, human resources, economy, and material resources) to increase the value of information to facilitate their combination and comparison, to link the data and development provide new products and services.

This guide also provides a series of technical recommendations to guide and facilitate the technical analysis it departments of universities to undertake the path towards publishing their data into open.

Dichas pautas establecen tres niveles de complejidad en el desarrollo de un portal open data teniendo en cuenta el volumen de datos publicados y la periodicidad de actualización:

  • 1: Level Up to 100 datasets and up to 10 datasets for updating weekly.
  • 2: Level Up to 1,000 datasets, up to 100 datasets for updating weekly.
  • 3: Level Exceeding 1,000 datasets or more than 100 sets that require updating semanal.En that basis, the document analyzes the technological solutions and describes some infrastructure for guidance including metadata structure; the formats (structured, semantics, enriched); the storage of information; frameworks; integration with the existing information systems and languages.

Finally, described the efforts of open data put in place or in 7 spanish universities: Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, University of Alicante, Universitat Jaume I, Leon university and University of Granada.

With this type of work, the group CRUE-TIC aims to stimulate coordinated to avoid replicating the efforts of analysis and design of solutions and foster collaboration between universities.

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  • Gobierno abierto, Informes y Estudios