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Legal and technological initiatives

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41 - Introduction of a system of municipal information for decision-making in public health (SIMSAP)

David Ferrando, Francesc Xavier Berjano
DIPSALUT, an autonomous agency of public health of the council of Girona

42 - E-government in the area of the diputació de Cádiz

Antonio García Vázquez
The diputación de Cádiz

43 - Project to implement an integrated system of human resources to the government of aragón (SIRHGA)

Javier Martinez Pola
General de aragón

44 - E-government Plan of the government of aragón

Luis Roldán, José Luis Fandos muñoz, Ricardo Cantabrana González
General de aragón

45 - Zaragoza Provincial E-government

Jesus Royo Gracia
Diputation de Zaragoza

46 - Electronic register of traffic Apoderamientos

Fernando Ramíre Wine Sites Meant Reader Numbers Dropped Significantly
General Directorate of Trafficking

47 - Board sanctions Edictal traffic (TESTRA)

Julio Estela Gutiérrez
General Directorate of Trafficking

48 - Rural Project Promoting INCLUSION: the innovative services in public administrations aimed at reducing the administrative burden of rural businesses

Manuel Peiró Somalo Riojano - employment
Susana Palomares Fernández - Atos Research & Innovation

49 - JUSTIZIASIP: information services professionals

Look Gotzone Unanue Martinez
Eusko Jaurlaritza - Basque Government: Administration of justice

50 - Programme of analysis and information security (PASI)

Fernando Marín Gurrea
Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d ’ Interior, Relacions Institucionals i Participació

51 - Strategy for the development of e-services in the Admiistración of the autonomous community of aragon

Santiago Puyoles Hernández
Government of aragón

52 - Integral management of Toc Moderniz@ VPA- Toc

July Bielsa Tejedor
Government of aragón

53 - Registration and searching by electronic means in the government of aragón

Eva de Miguel Morales
Government of aragón

54 - Managed security model based on events of the government of aragón

Andoni Valverde Villar
Government of aragón

55 - Computerization of editing and Dissemination of the official gazette of aragon

Ramón Salanova Mayor
Government of aragón

56 - Processing environment Telematics

Francisco Mir Camps
Government of aragón – Department of presidency and Institutional Relations

57 - PLATINUM: platform of Interoperability of the canary islands

Angeles Navasa Martínez
The canary islands

58 - Auntamientos Locals 2.0

Antonio Ruiz Lasanta
The government of La Rioja

59 - Pros and cons of using mandatory and exclusive electronic administrative procedures under the law 11/2007

Maximum Fraile Escrich
The government of La Rioja

60 - New digital certificates: Electronic site EV, with electronic seal and employee

Raquel Garay Ruiz de Azua
The Basque Government and candidacies “ Juntas Forales ”