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PAe - Nuevo Real Decreto para la actuación y funcionamiento del sector público por medios electrónicos
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New Royal Decree for the work and functioning of the public sector by electronic means

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31 march 2021

The regulation addresses the global regulation and unitary republic of the functioning of the public sector through electronic means both internally administrations as interadministrativas and with citizens and businesses.

El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado mediante Real Decreto, a propuesta de los Ministerios de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital y de Política Territorial y Función Pública, el Regulations and functioning of the public sector by electronic means (Opens in new window) , which addresses the global regulation and unitary republic of the functioning of the public sector through electronic means both internally administrations as interadministrativas and with citizens and businesses.

El Real Decreto (Opens in new window) in a unified regulations for the development of all aspects related to the performance and functioning of the public sector through electronic means under the header two laws in this area (law 39/2015, of 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public administrations and the law 40/2015, of 1 october, from The Legal Regime of the public Sector). This is the significant work of systematization and management, with a remarkable effort to simplify concepts technically complex.

The Regulation deepens in the target of a digital public Administration, modern, affordable and personal service to the needs of different groups. This Royal Decree consolidates the law relating to electronic services to citizens and enterprises, and encourages the use and benefits of digitization into the administration.

Por ejemplo, facilitará el avance para que la ciudadanía no tenga que volver a aportar información de la que ya disponga la propia Administración, que pueda consultar las notificaciones en una dirección de notificaciones única y que pueda acceder a un punto único de información a través del PAGe (Punto de Acceso General electrónico).

El Reglamento dota a España del marco regulatorio imprescindible para afrontar los grandes desafíos que plantean la evolución de tecnologías disruptivas, su aplicación a la gestión de la información y la ejecución de políticas públicas, los nuevos modelos de relación de ciudadanos y empresas con las Administraciones Públicas y la reutilización eficiente de la información.

Its entry into force on 2 april, will remove forever the overlap of different legal regimes and make available to citizens, companies and administrations basic regulatory development in a single text, thereby contributing to the legal certainty, which is one of the objectives of the rule.

With the adoption of this regulation marks one of the measures for the transformation of the public sector digital Agenda 2025 and Digital Spain with one of the reforms contemplated in the recovery Plan transformation and resilience to the first half of the year.

Spain has a very favourable position to address the digital processing and, as far as electronic administration, is located among the most advanced countries of the european union, thanks to the continued effort by public administrations, as reflected in the report DESI of the european commission.

Main objectives

This regulation has four main objectives: firstly, improving the efficiency of the electronic administration. It facilitates the right of citizens to interact electronically with public administrations; compulsory electronic relationship of legal persons and of certain categories of natural persons; and the electronic procedure of the procedures as normal performance of public administrations.

Las Administraciones contarán con un archivo electrónico de expedientes que correspondan a procedimientos finalizados y todas las notificaciones se realizarán por medios electrónicos salvo que se trate de personas físicas no obligadas a ser notificadas electrónicamente.

El segundo objetivo es que tanto el funcionamiento electrónico interno de la administración como las relaciones de las Administraciones Públicas entre sí se realice electrónicamente. Esto implica la interoperabilidad como principio básico, determinar las condiciones e instrumentos de creación de sedes electrónicas, así como los supuestos de utilización de los sistemas de firma de sello o código seguro de verificación, y los propios sistemas de firma electrónica.

The third objective is to increase the transparency of administrative action and the participation of people in E-government. Thus, the operation of electronic Access (PAGe), and the folder In the Public Sector. It also regulates the content and the minimum services to provide for electronic headquarters and electronic headquarters associated and functioning of the electronic registers.

Fourthly, digital services easily usable and accessible so as to ensure that the relationship of the person concerned with the administration is easy, intuitive and effectively when using the electronic channel.

Positive impacts

The regulations and functioning of the public sector through electronic means to increase legal certainty and predictability of the performance of Public Administrations, contributing to improved service to citizens, the institutional image of Spain and confidence.

The Royal Decree also promotes equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility of persons with disabilities, given that the electronic media provide an alternative path of communication with the administration.

It also reinforces the defence of individual rights. It Is the case of the right to access fast, effective and efficient public services through electronic means; have a quality web services that are Useful and meet their needs; to receive a transparent and accurate information; and, at the same time, the right to preserve the privacy of citizens and their personal data.

El Reglamento tiene, además, un impacto ambiental positivo al reducir la huella de carbono de la tramitación tradicional en la que se emplea masivamente el papel, la impresión láser y la logística. Frente a esta tramitación tradicional, el presente Real Decreto propone eliminar el papel para la mayoría de los procesos administrativos, algo que permite eliminar la impresión y los procesos logísticos y su consiguiente impacto ambiental.

Original source of news (Opens in new window) (La Moncloa)

Original source of news (Opens in new window) (Ministry of economic and Digital Trasnformación)

Texto del Real Decreto (Opens in new window)  por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de actuación y funcionamiento del sector público por medios electrónicos (BOE)



  • Citizen
  • Electronic services
  • Laws 39 and 40