
PAe - capacity PID in the service of the municipalities
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All the capacity of the PID in the service of the municipalities

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18 june 2018

There has been an enormous increase in the number of locally made through the Electronic platform for Brokering during the first quarter of 2018

The following figure provides disaggregated month to month the same compared to the quarter of the previous year: the enormous increase in the number of transmissions managed during the month of march, it appears that the system is perfectly dimensioned — that is the potential is there and the platform is ready — to process any demand for electronic procedures required from the municipal level.

Comparative Fig.1. month to month of transmissions of 1st trim. 2018 and 2017

Because this municipal transmissions during the month of march 2002 multiplied by nine best throughout the year 2017 , which was “ only ” in october 219.279 transmissions In march. the system was able to handle almost two million transactions are local entities .

Any municipality irrespective of its population, size or electronic processing needs, you can use the capacity of the platform to introduce new services, with high demands , occasional or over time . As noted in the chart, the room for expansion of local bodies is enormous, next to the predictable increase in transactions that would be in municipalities with large population as we saw in the case of Barcelona, and may be the benchmark for other similar municipalities such as Madrid, Valencia, seville, etc.

Fig.2. Comparison of the total number of transactions of the past five quarters

According to data from the first quarter, disaggregated by locations, the municipality that has created this significant increase is Barcelona, in particular, through its ‘ Institut Municipal de Serveis Socials ’.

MUNICIPALITY 2018/1st trim.
Barcelona [IMSS] 2.176.982
Valencia 53.052
Madrid 39.809
Bilbao 32.827
Málaga 29.722
Gijón 22.196
Sta Cruz de Tenerife. 16.265
Castellón de la Plana 13.596
Jerez de la Frontera 9.028
Mataró 8.315

It is clear the imbalance — and, therefore, the possibilities of the system — since Barcelona multiplied by 260 the number of transmissions classification of the 10th, mataró.

The demonstrated capability through the platform for Electronic Brokering to absorb high demands, occasional or over time, as is borne out by the ‘ managed Institut Municipal de Serveis Socials de Barcelona ’ last march, that municipalities can and must continue to mainstream consultations services and new procedures to facilitate and simplify citizens' relationship with the Local administration.

For more information on use of available indicators DATAOBSAE platform and Solution -SVD PID of the PTT.

  • Infrastructure and common services
  • Centre for technology transfer
  • Laws 39 and 40