The commitment of the Basque Government with the participation n and collaboration n the ciudadan to


PAe - Open Government in the basque country
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Open Government in the basque country

15 september 2011


The commitment of the Basque Government participation and collaboration of citizenship


The initiative of open government – is a commitment from the Basque Government participation and collaboration of citizenship. This initiative consists of two fundamental parts: Irekia Portal and Opendata Portal .

  • Irekia it is based on the rapprochement of citizenship to the Basque Government giving citizenship of participation and decision making in the government's actions so that each person can be part of the executive and its policies. Its framework focuses on three premises: TRANSPARENCY, Participation and collaboration.
  • Opendata Euskadi the publication aims to boost public data so that they can be reused by enterprises, infomediaries, other authorities and anyone interested in receiving derived products. The aim of re-use of the data may be to create value and wealth, promote transparency in the management or to obtain greater interoperability among government agencies, among others.

You can find more information in the appropriate initiatives in the cst is: Irekia , Opendata

  • Citizen
  • Centre for technology transfer


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