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Policy of electronic document management

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A policy for the management of electronic documents contains guidance or guidelines defined by an organization for the creation and management of genuine documents, reliable and available over time, in accordance with the functions and activities of its own. The policy was adopted at the highest level within the organization, and assigns responsibilities with regard to coordination and implementation, monitoring and management of treatment of documents through their life cycle.

The Norma Técnica de Interoperabilidad de Política de gestión de documentos electrónicos (Opens in new window) aims to develop guidelines for the definition of electronic records.

The Guía de aplicación de la Norma Técnica de Interoperabilidad de Política de gestión de documentos electrónicos (Opens in new window) serves as a tool of support for the application and implementation of the provisions of the NTI; its content includes explicit quotes the text of the NTI as explanations and complementary content with them.

Policy models of electronic document management

Both models A and B contain political orientation of models of local management, functional classification and documentary series that will enable the management of electronic documents of the municipalities, in the framework of the National Scheme of Interoperability, (ENI). In the interests of local entities, especially those smaller and more difficult to develop a policy for the management of electronic documents.

Below some examples the management policy of electronic documents that have been developed and published a variety of fields of public administrations.

General state administration

Ministry of finance and Public Service (2002)

Policy for the management of electronic documents (PGD-e) of the ministry of finance and Public service. The Ministry of finance and Public Service and public entities so decide. Given its global nature, can also be valid and applicable in the entities and agencies of the public sector that it consider it. The Ministry of economic and Digital Transformation has participated in the drafting of this publication.

Autonomous Communities

The Basque Country

Law 5/2002 of 23 june document management, integrated and documentary heritage of the basque country

Community of navarre

AUTONOMOUS ORDER 18/2021, on 24 may, of the minister of culture and sport, on certain technology requirements and digital archive deployments of insurance of the local level in Navarra and a model of audit.

Community of navarre

Agreement of the government of navarre, 16 december 2020, which approves the management policy of electronic documents of the administration of the community of navarre and the public Sector Institutional Foral.


Order 1/2018, of 27 december, joint the Conselleria de finance and economic model and of the Conselleria de education, research, culture and sport, which approves the management policy of electronic documents de la Generalitat.

NOTE: With this matter also relates the Decree no. 50/2018, of 27 april (Opens in new window) , del Consell, which regulates the documentary management, organization and functioning of the files of the Generalitat.

Castilla-La Stain

Decree 89/2017, of 12 december, which approves the management policy of documents of the constituent entities of the public sector in the administration of the board of communities of Castilla-La Stain.


The agreement of 1 august 2017, the council of the government, which approves the management policy of electronic documents of the Junta de andalucia.

Region of Murcia

Order of 12 july 2017 of the finance and public administration and tourism, culture and environment, which approves the management policy and archiving of documents of the public service of the autonomous community of the region of Murcia.


Decree no. 43/2017 of 22 june, which approves the management policy, administrative documents and electronic files of the administration of the autonomous region of Cantabria and the public Sector.

Illes Balears

THE AGREEMENT of the governing council of 9 december 2016 which approves the management Policy of the government of the balearic islands

The Basque Country

Order of 27 september 2016, the public administration and Justice and minister for Finance and finance, which approves the management policy of electronic documents of the public sector in the basque autonomy.

Local entities

Barcelona provincial council

ANUNCI d'aprovació de la Política de Gestió Documental de la Diputació de Barcelona


University of Valladolid

Policy for the management of electronic documents of the university of Valladolid. Document adopted at The governing council of 14 december 2016.

Universidad de Murcia

Policy for the management of electronic documents of the university of Murcia. The document adopted in Governing council of 13 february 2014.

Other institutions

General Meeting of the principality of Asturias

Standards of policy for the management of electronic documents of the General meeting of the principality of Asturias

Senate of spain

Document management policy of the senate, adopted by the bureau of the senate in its meeting on april 28 2020.

Examples of classification tables Local Entities

Model de quadre de classificació d'ajuntaments i consells comarcals. Generalitat de Catalunya

Table of various types of funds of Municipal Files. The group of the Madrid Municipal Archives

Proposal for a table of various types of funds of Municipalities. Working group on Organization of Municipal Files