
PAe - España, leader in return of funds and number of projects by the EFC Programme Telecom of the european commission
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España, leader in return of funds and number of projects by the EFC Programme Telecom of the european commission

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07 february 2019

España leads the return of funds and the number of projects of the EFC Programme Telecom to date, 21.5 million and €69 projects, respectively, ahead of Italy, germany and the netherlands.

The european commission presented in the context of the committee OF THE EFC Telecom last 24 january, the Report OF THE EFC Telecom Supported actions - November 2018 (Abre in new window) . This sets out the results of the 46 calls that have taken place until the first quarter of 2018, which total $225 million and €390 projects.

The EFC programme Telecom (Abre in new window) it is a key instrument for financing for development of trans-european high performance, sustainable and efficient in the area of telecommunications. Through this programme is intended to ensure the development and deployment of infrastructure and services required for the establishment of a Digital single market. From 2014, the implementation of this program is through the Executive Agency for innovation and networks (INEA), which offers through competitive cofinancing for specific projects.

In this context, España heads the list of countries that have received funds from THE EFC Telecom 21.5 million euros, ahead of Italy (18.7 million), germany ($16.3 million) and Países Bajos (13.6 million). España is also the largest number of projects under this programme (69 projects), followed by Italy (45) and Países Bajos (43 projects).

Return on investment of the agenda OF THE EFC TELECOM by countries Figure 1. Return on investment of the agenda OF THE EFC TELECOM. Source: European Commission


15 Digital Services infrastructures (DSI, by its initials in english) that included in the report, España participates in a total of 13 (in 4 building blocks and 9 DSIs of specific sectors). In this way, España heads the return of funds and number of projects on DSIs of eID and eSignature, eDelivery, eInvoicing, eTranslation, Cybersecurity, ABOUT and eHealth.

In addition, the european commission highlighted four projects in which España participates along with other member states: Fifties in Europe Kaleidoscope, ESMO (eIDAS - enabled Student Mobility), MADE (Multiple Access to eDelivery) and Cross-Forest (CROSS Harmonization & HPC modelization of FOREST Datasets).

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