
PAe - three out of four spanish using the internet for dealings with public administration according to the CIS
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Three out of four spanish using the internet for dealings with public administration according to the CIS

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28 december 2023

The Centre of Sociological Research has conducted a survey on the quality of public services, where he asked about the degree of satisfaction with the functioning of the AAPP and assessment of the tools provided electronic administration.

The same study showed that 61.3% of spaniards argues that spoke on a regular basis on matters relating to public services provided by state administrations, autonomous communities and municipalities. In terms of its functioning, 45.3 per cent of respondents believed that work “ very or somewhat satisfactory ”; on the contrary, 9.1 per cent said that he was “ not satisfied ”.

A collection of public services

Between the public services more highly valued by the spaniards are related to public safety (civil defence, police, fire) that are considered as “ very or somewhat satisfactory ” to 72.5 per cent of respondents. Public transport, with approximately 58.6 per cent and assistance in public hospitals with a 53.7 per cent are other services that spaniards valued positively.

Management improvements

When you ask respondents which aspects have improved or worsened in state administrations, autonomous communities and municipalities, 67.8 per cent ensures improved access to internet, while 63 per cent said that has worsened the time to resolve the effort.

Personal experiences with the administration

The study also question the degree of satisfaction when it has been personally contacted by telephone, mail or to make administrative procedures. 90.7% qualifies as a quite or very satisfactory experience with cultural centres, libraries and over; 88.4 per cent with the office of the DNI and passports with mail 81.6 per cent.

Certificate, electronic identity card and Sistema Cl@ve

53.4 Per cent of the spanish said to have electronic certificate and 48 per cent had used condoms during the past year, to be easy or very easy handling 84.3 of its users. As regards the system cl@ve, 51 per cent of respondents and ensures that he found it easy to use or very easy to 85.3 per cent. Finally, 46.5 per cent of respondent be sure to have the electronic identity card, while 15 per cent has not enabled.

Ventajas and disadvantages

In conclusion, for all spaniards E-government has more advantages than disadvantages (62.9 per cent) and agreed or very much agree that improves access to information and knowledge of public services (73.2 per cent). However, considers the 86.1 per cent excluding persons with less knowledge and skills.

The data of this survey conducted among the 14 november and 1 december, with a sample of 10.306 interviews is soon to be hosted by the site of the CIS (Abre in new window) (of " Estudios (Abre in new window) "and now available on the progress (Abre in new window) .

Original source of news (Abre in new window)

  • Open government, Informes and studies
  • Citizen