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The council of Ciudad Real installed in the municipalities, upon request of edicts electronic bulletin boards

13 december 2013

This tool increases transparency and facilitates access by citizens.

The council of Ciudad Real installed in the municipalities, upon request of edicts electronic notice boards at no cost to the municipal government coffers. The provincial member responsible for managing the process of implementation of e-government in the institution, Nicasio Peláez, stresses that this new implementation the citizen will be closer to the local administration to obtain information more precisely from their own homes or places of work, thereby avoiding displacement and loss of time.
This is continuing the process of consolidation and administrative modernization fuelled by the president of the Provincial council of Ciudad Real, Nemesio of Lara in 2007, allowing administrative procedures and reduce their costs in direct benefit of the citizens, the municipalities and other public or private institutions;
The Web Board of edicts, regulated in item 12 of law 11/2007 of 22 june, electronic access of citizens to public services, and consistent standards, operates on the council of Ciudad Real from 1st june 2012 has been installed in recent days in the municipalities of Llanos del Caudillo, Fernándo Caballero, La Solana and Miguelturra.

Original source of news (Opens in new window)

  • Citizen
  • Electronic services