
I-Document Exchange Structure

  • Short Name :
    Documento ENI
    Normative :
    Resolución de 19 de julio de 2011, de la Secretaría de Estado para la Función Pública, por la que se aprueba la Norma Técnica de Interoperabilidad de Documento Electrónico (Obre en nova finestra)
    Summary :
    The general structure for the exchange of electronic documents is an XML file including an e-document's three components: content file, metadata and signature(s).
    Target audience :
    Any Public Administration
    Organic area :
    Subtype data model :
    Information Structure
    Scope of usi :
    Functional area :
    Government and public sector
    License :
    EUPL (European Public License)


    The technical standards for interoperability for electronic Document and electronic files of the National Interoperability Framework defined XML schemas (XSD) as a tool for interoperability in the exchange of electronic documents and files.

    The structure to implement the exchange of electronic documents will be generally a XML file containing the three identified components of the electronic document:

    1. Content File: it hosts the file containing the document content or data. For its inclusion in the XML structure, these files are normally coded in base64.
    2. Metadata block: following the corresponding XML schema, the defined metadata are integrated as the minimum mandatory associated with the content file. As an exception, ‘Valor CSV’ and ‘Regulación generación CSV’ are integrated into the element of signature.
    3. Signature(s): electronic signatures relying on certificates and/or CSV associated to the content file of the document as well as the metadata of the signature.

    The design of the NIF schema consists of 8 tailored XSDs implemented and an external XSD linked (xmldsig-core-schema.xsd) to the XMLDSig specification used in the XAdES signatures.

    This XSDs model of NIF follows a modular design that fosters their reuse and interoperability with other existing frameworks.

    Two types of modulis ca be distinguished in the implementation:

    • Structural module: it defines a structure to manage and contain other modules.
    • Content Module: it hosts the final content of the described component.

    In this way, the modules can, in some cases, contain other (structural modules) or be included within other (structural and content modules).