CTT - Centro de Transferència de Tecnologia

SEAP Leave and Incident Processing System (TRAMA System)

  • Short Name :
    Summary :
    The Leave and Incident Processing System (TRAMA System) is a tool for the digital processing of staff leaves (holidays, personal issues, etc.) and incidents (forgotten cards, medical leaves, etc.).

    It can also perform attendance control tasks in compliance with clock-in/out controls in civil service, either as a self-standing solution or as integrated into existing attendance record systems.

    TRAMA can be provided as a cloud service to any public body requesting it.
    Target audience :
    Any Public Administration
    Usage :
    Network service for end-users
    Type of Solution :
    Infrastructure or common service
    Status of the Solution :
    Organic area :
    Technical area :
    Human resources management
    Functional area :
    Government and public sector
    License :
    EUPL (European Public License)
    Interoperability level :
    Programming language :
    Operating system :


    The Office of the Secretary of State for Public Administration (SEAP) Leave and Incident Processing System, or TRAMA System, is compatible with two attendance record systems, namely, EVALOS and PHUC. It is the solution deployed by SEAP central services and government delegations or sub-delegations for the management of the administrative procedures of officials and employees in the public administration. It is also used in other General Administration bodies.

    TRAMA is used for the electronic processing of leave requests and incidents involving civil servants, establishing a validation and approval workflow for requests. Electronic processing makes it easier to manage and follow up requests, both for civil servants and for validators, doing away with paper and thus leading to considerable savings.

    In addition, TRAMA can be integrated into bodies’ attendance record systems, making signing, leave and/or incident data available to civil servants for better management of their work time.

    Besides, managers in charge of staff can have access to the signing, leave and/or incident data of their team(s) for increased efficiency in human resource management.
