The Open Data Maturity Report in Europe is produced annually by the European Data Portal since 2015. It records the progress achieved by EU Member States as they push forward open data publication and reuse, as well as the different priorities set to enable this. The ODM 2022 includes not only the 27 EU Member States, but also 3 European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries (Norway, Switzerland, Iceland), 4 candidate countries (Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine), and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In the 2022 edition, Spain holds seventh place in the global ranking, placing it in the group of Trend-Setters.
Of the four dimensions analysed, Spain stands out especially in the "Policy" dimension, where it achieves the highest score. In all of them, Spain obtains a score above the average for EU countries: 99% compared to 86% in the EU27 in Politics; 91% vs. 83% in Portal; 93% vs. 71% on Impact, and 84% vs. 77% on Quality. Thus, it obtains an overall score of 92% compared to 79% of the EU countries

In the "Political" dimension, the report highlights the mechanisms that have been established in Spain to facilitate two-way communication of news items between the team that leads the national open data initiative and the open data community managers(known as RISP).
Regarding the "Impact" dimension, in gathering and classifying reuse cases, the report shows that Spain relies on dashboards monitoring datasets downloads, tracks applications and companies, conducts quantitative analyses, and fosters the creation of data communities for reuse and knowledge exchange. Among the specific initiatives, within environmental impact, the report highlights the project of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge "Climate change scenario viewer”, a useful tool for viewing and downloading data related to plausible representations of the future climate. In economic impact, it highlights the role of ASEDIE, a multisectoral information association, which annually analyses the economic and social value of companies that reuse data from the public (and private) sector to develop value-added products. According to the 2022 edition of its report151, thanks to this use of data, these companies generated a sales volume of more than € 2,000 million, offering employment to almost 23,000 professionals.
In the “Portal” dimension, the report highlights that Spain plans to implement a functionality that will highlight brief lists of high-value datasets in a prominent part of the home page of the portal. In this list, there will be an option to ‘see more’ by applying specific parameters of the general catalogue search engine.