
OCDE OURdata Index 2023

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Launched in 2015, the Open, Useful and Re-usable data (OURdata) Index benchmarks efforts made by governments to design and implement national open government data policies. With subsequent editions released in 2017 and 2019, the Index has remained a valuable resource for policymakers and serves as a key public governance indicator, assessing the progress governments have made in ensuring open data to support policy reform. The 2023 edition covers more than 670 data points collected from 36 OECD countries and 4 accession countries throughout 2022.

The OURdata Index consists of three pillars and nine sub-pillars. The three main pillars are: data availability, data accessibility, and government support for data reuse. Data for the 2023 OURdata Index were collected through the OECD Survey on Open Government Data in 2022. Due to changes in the questions and factors used for the Index sub-pillars, the 2023 OURdata Index results cannot be compared directly at a detailed country level to earlier versions.

According to the study, Spain ranks fifth in terms of open data, behind only South Korea, France, Poland and Estonia. 

Spain is in the group of "leading countries". These countries demonstrate a comprehensive approach to open data initiatives and generally perform well across the board. In the specific case of Spain, it stands out when it comes to promoting the reuse of data, where it ranks second. It has taken into account how the government makes companies and civil society aware of the opportunities offered by open public data, participating in partnerships and co-creation events to stimulate the reuse of data. It also highlights the availability of awareness-raising and training initiatives for public officials on open data publishing, analysis and reuse, as well as efforts to conduct open public data impact assessments and the presentation of examples of reuse. 

On the contrary, it ranks eleventh in data accessibility overall, although it rises to sixth if we talk about high-value data. Finally, Spain ranks sixth in terms of accessibility.

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