O obxectivo desta xornada é compartir experiencias sobre a implantación da Interoperabilidade, e concretamente, sobre os aspectos máis relacionados coa preservación dos activos dixitais das organizacións, sendo un punto de encontro entre distintas administracións públicas, nacionais e internacionais, e con sector privado, que nos axude a pór en común distintos puntos de vista á hora de abordar este reto tecnolóxico.
Contará con la presencia de actores internacionales, gracias a la ONU, la Comisión Europera y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, así como expertos de distintas administraciones públicas.
Organiza o MINHAFP e colaboran o MECD, o INAP, o Banco Iberoamericano de Desenvolvemento, a Comisión Europea e a ONU.
Publicación oficial resumen II Xornada sobre interoperabilidade e Arquivo electrónico
Acceso á Retransmisión (Streaming) da Xornada (26/9/2017)
The Ministry of Finance and Civil Service (MINHAFP) organizes the second Conference on Interoperability and Electronic Archive, of international scope, on September 26th.
The objective of the Conference is to share experiences on the implementation of Interoperability, and specifically, on the aspects related to the preservation of digital assets of organizations, being a meeting point between different public, national and international administrations, and with the private sector, to help us put together different points of view in addressing this technological challenge.
It will have the presence of international actors, thanks to the United Nations (UN), the European Commission and the Inter-American Development Bank, as well as experts from different Spanish public administrations.
The Conference is organized by MINHAFP in collaboration with Ministry of Culture, Education and Sports, National Institute of Public Administrations, the Ibero-American Development Bank, the European Commission and the UN.
Official publication abstract II Conference on Interoperability and Electronic file (in Spanish and English)