A hugely significant event in the context of European initiatives to foster much needed economic growth, the conference is the focus of European SME Week.
“Growth Through Enterprise: Exploiting the Opportunities Ahead”
The theme of the conference this year will be “Growth Through Enterprise: The Opportunities Ahead.” As with previous years, the European Enterprise Promotion Awards Ceremony will be a key feature of the Assembly which will bring together SMEs; business organisations; European, national and regional government; academia and the media.
Further information
Details of the programme and speakers will be announced on this page, via Twitter @EEPA_en and on Facebook
. The official event hashtag is #GoEnterPRIZE
Please note that entry to the SME Assembly and European Enterprise Promotion Awards is by personal invitation from the European Commission only; it is not extendable to another person or persons and cannot be transferred without our express permission. If you would like to register your interest, please contact: smeassembly@lowassociates.co.uk
Previous SME Assemblies
2012 SME Assembly – Helping SMEs Go for Growth