
ITU Global Cybersecurity Index 2018

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According to the 2018 edition of the ITU's " Global Global Cybersecurity Index(Obri en nova finestra) ", which was published in April 2019, Spain is in seventh place in the list of the ten countries that show the highest degree of commitment to cybersecurity.

Infographic explained in the previous paragraph

En l'anàlisi per àrees geogràfiques, Espanya figura en cinqué (5º) lloc en l'àmbit europeu després de Regne Unit, França, Lituània i Estònia.

Infographic explained in the previous paragraph

In the analysis by geographic areas, Spain ranks fifth (5th) in the European area after the United Kingdom, France, Lithuania and Estonia..

Comparison of the global IDI and GCI classification (details in the text above)

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