Component for the integration of the signature in the workflows. organizational signing petitions of the client using signature to @firma enabling signature authorizations to sign by delegation or replacement. can include "go-ahead" in the flow of signature. allows separate users portafirmas of watertight in units or offices. publishes web services for integration with the workflow applications.
Target audience
Any Public Administration
Installable product
Network service integrable in customers applications
Network service for end-users
More information about usage
Service in the cloud: AGE andEELL
Type of Solution
Open source application
Status of the Solution
Organic area
Technical area
Security infrastructure and management of identities
Horizontal services for the AA.PP
Support for the processing mail
Electronic processing
Functional area
Personal documents
Government and public sector
EUPL (European Public License)
Interoperability level
Programming language
Web Services
Operating system
Port@firmas allows to include electronic signatures in the organization’s workflows. The application includes the Client (@firma) for the client signature of the user.
Port@firmas is integrated with the @firma platform of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration for the validation of the signatures that are generated.
Main features:
ability to create petitions or signature flows including different signatories who can sign in parallel or in cascade for approval;
ability to define and use these flows from external applications through web services;
request management differentiating between sent, incoming, completed and pending requests;
ability to create isolated groups of users that emulate the behaviour of different organizations within a larger organization; and
CSV consultation of signed documents from Port@firmas, etc.
Port@firmas has the following interfaces:
web interface through browser: functions, creation of request for signature;
Port@firmas Móvil: clients or mobile applications that allow to sign from smartphones and mobile devices. It can be integrated with the Port@firmas application of @firma suite. Its functionality is adaptable to other platforms when changes are made to the proxy (Proxi PortafirmasMovil). Available for Android 4.0 and later and iOS 8 and later.
web service interface for external applications to make requests for signature and subsequently receive the documents once they have been signed by the signatories users.
Port@firmas is offered in two models:
as installable component or source code for the user administration to perform their own installation; and
as a service through Redsara and with a co-financing format.