
PAe - advances in the legal framework for integration with Notific @
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Progress in the legal framework for integration with Notific @

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27 may 2016

Signing of the first convention for the integration with Notific@ and Agentes Colaboradores.

The past 17 may 2016 has signed a collaboration agreement between the directorate of information technologies of communication, the secretariat of state for finance and the state agency for tax administration for the production of notifications and postal communications of the Central Economic Administrative Court (TEAC) and the directorate-General for Management of the game, through the Kern and Printing (CIE), of the Tax Agency through the electronic platform Notific@ which serves the shared service notifications management which is included in the Digital Processing of the General state administration.

The detailed technical and economic conditions can be found at:
https :// administracionelectronica.gob.es/ctt notifies/downloads/

More information solution Notific @ of the PTT.

  • Interadministrativa cooperation
  • Infrastructure and common services