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5.3 The moment of eformación. The best experiences - 5.4 Reorganization of ict resources in the public administration

5.3 The moment of eformación best experiences.

Tecnimap 2002 The learning of foreign languages

Manuel Ángel Santos Sánchez, Juan Antonio Zapardiel López

Online training in the valencian community through CIDAJ

Rafael Valls Azorín ’ S Team That Safe, Monserrat Valentine's Day

An interactive platform for e-formación

Olga Cristina Santos Martín Moreno

5.4 Reorganization of ict resources in the public administration

Zoom in informatics management. An experience of the subdirectorate General for informatics

Jesus Eguiluz Gauna
Treasury of Social security

Reorganization of resources in the autonomous community of the region of Murcia

Juan José Piñera Rivers, Celestino Avilés Pérez