
PAe - El Ayuntamiento de Barcelona publica la solución Decidim en el CTT
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Barcelona city council publishes Decidim solution in the cst

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21 february 2018

Decidim es una infraestructura digital para la democracia participativa basada en software libre (Ruby on Rails), que facilita la creación de portales de participación ciudadana en Barcelona.

The objective of the project is to implement, design, develop, test and promote an on-line platform open source (under AGPL license v 3.0) to promote the participation of citizens of Barcelona in legal and political processes through participatory processes and automated voting system which can share information, create communities to express views and to vote in initiatives to involve the municipality in which they live.

En Decidim (Opens in new window) those users of the platform (participants) interact through participatory mechanisms called components that offer specific functionalities for different areas of participation. That is, the forums for participation as the initiatives, the assemblies, processes or consultations have components that are combined as mechanisms for participation. Among the most prominent components are the to-face meetings, surveys, the proposals, the votes, the follow-up of results and the guest reviews.

Más información en la Decidim solution of the PTT.

  • Centre for technology transfer
  • Citizen