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Reuse of public Sector information

The reuse of public sector information (RISP) involves the use of natural or legal persons, of the data generated and supervised by the public sector agencies, for commercial purposes or not.

Under this framework, in 2009, the Draft Contributes with the objective of promoting the culture of the reuse of public sector information and promote its social and economic value.

Reuse of public Sector information

The Reuse of public Sector information (RISP) presents a considerable economic potential, as it enables us to develop new products, services and markets, to promote economic development and the creation of jobs in the digital content industry. In Addition, the provision of public information on the part of public administrations increase administrative transparency, taking an effect of strengthening democratic values and enabling the citizen participation in public policies.

The initiative Provides

The objectives of this national initiative include promoting a culture favourable to the opening of public data, through the portal ; to facilitate that carry out such an opening administrations and to boost the market for reuse of public information. Portal

The website it is the website of the national level which manages the catalogue of public information of the public Sector. It Is one point of access to data that the spanish government makes available for reuse.

This platform is home to more than 25,000 datasets 300 central administrative agencies, regional and local levels; providing tools to help the federation and synchronization effective open data catalogues existing in spain.

Además, es el canal a través del cual se divulgan las developments and progress, as well as the channel where they are available training materials in raising awareness of the value of reuse of public information.

Guías y materiales formativos

In order to be a reference manual to governments, private entities and individuals interested in the reuse of public information have developed many guides and training materials. These contents are available in the portal . Of particular interest the units prepared by the initiative Brings designed to understand the basics of the movement open data, good practices in the implementation of policies of open access and reuse, methodological guidelines for opening, technical regulations as DCAT-AP and NTI-RISP or using tools of data-processing activities.

Catalogue of Public Information

La puesta en marcha en octubre de 2011 del Catálogo de información pública reutilizable, albergado en el portal , permite consolidar día a día la comunidad dando cabida a ciudadanos, empresas y administraciones.

El objetivo del catálogo es facilitar a los ciudadanos y empresas la identificación y acceso de los conjuntos de datos disponibles en el portal para favorecer, de esta manera, la reutilización de dicha información.

The Catalogue has been awarded by the platform LAPSI in january 2012 as the most friendly portal of public information of the European union.

Open Data events

Desde su lanzamiento en el año 2009, la Iniciativa Aporta lleva organizando diversos eventos y conferencias para fomentar la cultura de reutilización de información pública a nivel nacional. Anualmente se organiza un evento conocido como Provides meeting , dirigido al sector público y privado, donde se intercambian experiencias y buenas prácticas en datos abiertos y reutilización de la información.

También se llevan a cabo iniciativas para fomentar la innovación como los Brings challenges que tienen como objetivo identificar nuevas ideas y prototipos basados en datos abiertos del sector público.


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