- Publicada la versión 3 del Esquema de Metadatos para la Gestión del Documento Electrónico (e-EMGDE)
- DEHú continúa su crecimiento con la inclusión de las notificaciones de la administración local de Cataluña
- Mi Carpeta Ciudadana incorpora el certificado de ausencia de antecedentes de delitos de naturaleza sexual
- Mi Carpeta Ciudadana ya tiene disponible para cada persona la misma información que recibe en su tarjeta censal
- La SGAD pone en marcha MiFacturae, el nuevo servicio para la generación de facturas electrónicas
- El Catastro y la Secretaría General de Administración Digital ponen en marcha una nueva aplicación móvil ‘Catastro_app’
- Estás en:
- Inicio >
- Soluciones - CTT >
- Proyecto Stork >
- General
Project Stork
- Short Name :
- stork
- Direct Access :
- https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/secure-identity-across-borders-linked-stork/about , https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/content/stork-take-your-e-identity-you-everywhere-eu
- Summary :
- Stork is an European Union project for pan European recognition of electronic identities. With this project Spain electronic services accepts digital identitifications from other European countries. At the same time electronic services form other European countries accept the Spanish Electronic National Identity Document and other recognised electronic identities.
- Target audience :
- Any Public Administration
- Usage :
- Network service integrable in customers applications
- Type of Solution :
- Regulation
- Status of the Solution :
- Production
- Organic area :
- State
- Technical area :
- Horizontal services for the AA.PP , Security infrastructure and management of identities , Support for the processing mail
- Functional area :
- Government and public sector , Personal documents
- License :
- Not applicable
- Interoperability level :
- Political
- Programming language :
- Web Services , JAVA
- Operating system :
- Windows , Unix , Linux
STORK (Secure idenTity acrOss boRders linKed) was a European project developed from 2008 to 2011 within the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), aimed at the establishment of a single interoperable, sustainable eID area in Europe.
The project included the deployment of an eID interoperability platform that allows citizens to establish new e-relations across borders, just by presenting their national eID, as well as a sustainable frame of reference at the Pan-European level. Within this framework, Spanish citizens can use their national ID or similar proofs of identity in other member states, while foreign citizens can relate to the Spanish administration using their national eID.
The results obtained with STORK have continuity in STORK 2.0, also developed within CIP. STORK 2.0 envisages the representation of both natural and legal persons in digital environments, including the possibility to manage mandates and powers of attorney in compliance with such principles as secure transfer of attributes, high data protection and user control.
The Ministry of Finance and Public Administration (MINHAP) supports Spanish PEPS, making it available to the other agencies in the Spanish public administration for use and integration into national e-services.
Enlaces de interés
Destacados CTT
- Publicada la versión 3 del Esquema de Metadatos para la Gestión del Documento Electrónico (e-EMGDE)
- DEHú continúa su crecimiento con la inclusión de las notificaciones de la administración local de Cataluña
- Mi Carpeta Ciudadana incorpora el certificado de ausencia de antecedentes de delitos de naturaleza sexual
- Mi Carpeta Ciudadana ya tiene disponible para cada persona la misma información que recibe en su tarjeta censal
- La SGAD pone en marcha MiFacturae, el nuevo servicio para la generación de facturas electrónicas
- El Catastro y la Secretaría General de Administración Digital ponen en marcha una nueva aplicación móvil ‘Catastro_app’