The Administrative Information Management System (SIA) is an inventory of administrative information in the General Administration, regulated by Article 9 of the National Interoperability Framework and updated by all the bodies involved. It contains a list of the procedures and services available from the General Administration and all participating administrations.
Target audience
Any Public Administration
Network service for end-users
Network service integrable in customers applications
Type of Solution
Infrastructure or common service
Status of the Solution
Organic area
Technical area
Horizontal services for the AA.PP
Functional area
Government and public sector
Not applicable
Interoperability level
Programming language
Operating system
The Administrative Information Management System (SIA) can produce a list of the procedures and services available from the General Administration and all participating administrations (Autonomous Communities and Local Governments), in compliance with Article 9 of the National Interoperability Framework. The procedures and services on the list are allocated a unique coding in order to enable interoperability and make it easier to exchange information between procedures.
SIA is designed to allow for the distributed management of the information stored, thus promoting co-responsibility by participating administrations in the update of this information, using a web application and a service catalogue where information can be viewed or added by various e-services.