CTT - Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología

Georeferencing Service for the Spanish Public Administration (EGEO) Platform

  • Short Name :
    Direct Access :
    Entorno Producción EGEO (Abre en nueva ventana) , Entorno de integración EGEO (Red SARA) (Abre en nueva ventana)
    Summary :
    The EGEO platform – Georeferencing Service for the Spanish Public Administration – offered by the
    Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Service(MTDFP) can be used to create interactive maps for web portals without georeferencing knowledge or further development. The EGEO map-creating environment is based on simple parameter setting and simple-structure (Excel, CSV or XML) data templates.
    Target audience :
    Any Public Administration
    Usage :
    Network service integrable in customers applications , Network service for end-users
    Type of Solution :
    Infrastructure or common service
    Status of the Solution :
    Organic area :
    Technical area :
    Support for the processing mail
    Functional area :
    Government and public sector
    License :
    Not applicable
    Interoperability level :
    Programming language :
    JSP , J2EE , Web Services
    Operating system :


    The EGEO platform – Georeferencing Service for the Spanish Public Administration – offered by the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Service (MTDFP) can be used to create interactive maps for web portals without georeferencing knowledge or further development.

    With EGEO, creating maps is as easy as adding them to platforms and attaching the relevant georeferenced data (by autonomous community, province, town or map point).

    EGEO is a common service, part of the rationalisation measures in the use of basic services by the public administration. Its goals are:

    • To boost the use of common services targeted at all public administrations.
    • To encourage the reuse of resources, with a positive impact on costs.
    • To enhance transparency in public administrations by enabling the representation of indicators and data on maps that can be integrated into web portals, dashboards, and so on.

    EGEO saves time and resources, preventing different public administrations from developing similar modules. It also contributes to information transparency by facilitating the easy and clear representation and dissemination of indicators and data on maps.
