Suite Cliente de @firma: Miniapplet + Autofirma + Firmamovil
The Suite @firma client is one of the products of the @firma digital signature and identification solution suite. It is made available to public administrations so that they have the necessary tools for the fast and effective implementation of advanced digital signature and authentication.
The Suite @firma client is a digital signature tool for desktop environments and mobile devices, operating as a Java Applet integrated into a web page through JavaScript, as a desktop application or as a mobile application, depending on the user's environment.
Target audience
Any Public Administration
Installable product
Type of Solution
Open source application
Status of the Solution
Organic area
Technical area
Horizontal services for the AA.PP
Support for the processing mail
Security infrastructure and management of identities
Functional area
Government and public sector
Personal documents
EUPL (European Public License)
GPL (GNU General Public License)
Interoperability level
Programming language
Operating system
Given the complexity of the creation of electronic signatures in different platforms due to the variability of operating systems, browsers, virtual machines and signature standards, the General Secretary of Digital Administration has developed an applet of multiplatform signature. This is available to all public administrations.
Applications catalogue:
Applets for use in browser
Miniapplet @firma: multi-format, multi-browser and multi operating system signature applet. In browsers that do not support Java, the javascript in Miniapplet launches the AutoFirma application, instead of the applet.
Desktop interfaces
Autofirma: basic desktop application for users without knowledge of electronic signatures. It selects by default the most appropriate signature format for the document to be signed. It allows to display the signers and signed document if a signature is entered.
Standalone: it allows to Firma clients to run as a standalone or desktop application. It provides all the functionality of the client: signature, encryption and enveloping.
Mobile Applications
Cliente@Firma Móvil. It is integrated transparently to Miniapplet users. It is necessary to use the intermediate server (Proxi ClienteMovil). Available for: Android 4.0 and later and iOS 8 and later.
The products suite of the Firma Client is released as free open source software with a license: GNU GPL versión 2 and EUPL v1.1
This is a reference solution to comply with the measures of identification and authentication described in Chapter II of Law 39/2015 of Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations.