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Forging of the PTT

For those solutions CTT wishing to build a community development project around its free software, we have created the organization forja-CTT within a large public collaborative environment GitHub where the public administrations can create and manage your repositories and forging partnerships with both the public and private sector.

https :// (Abre in new window)

Features Forja-CTT in GitHub

The solutions that so wish may request a repository within the organization Forja-CTT in GitHub . The server may enable, according to their needs, the use of these features:

  • Source management . Management of the source code of the solution through a repository GIT . This repository is the work environment and is under development and in continuous evolution, therefore it may be incomplete materials and software to solve outstanding defects. Place where provide official releases and stable spanning product source code, installation, integration etc. it will be the download area of the solution CTT associated.
  • Gestión de Incidencias. You can manage the notification, evolution and resolution of claims related to each repository: incidences of service, requests for support, applications for improvement, etc.
  • Wiki . Creation and management of documentation for the solution in the repository in a collaborative fashion.
  • Distribution lists. GitHub does not provide support to those solutions lists but they need distribution lists of e-mail to facilitate coordination and collaboration between the different actors and users will use the service of distribution lists offered by the CTT .

The organization Forja CTT it is recognized in GITHUB as an area of the public sector:

https ://

Participation in Forja-CTT

The Forja-CTT is open to participation in any sector: public, business or private.