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Atariaren itzulpena zuk ikusten ari zaren batek egin du: itzulpen-sistema automatikoa itzulpenak berrikustea eta giza itzultzaile aldetik gabe.

Itzulpen automatikoak opensource gaira, oinarria "" izeneko sistema hori erabiltzen ZILARREZKO motorrak arau eta sistema-probetan sendo entrenatutako corpus espezifikoak izan dira. estatistikak duten gaiak, oro har, administrazio-gai bat egin da. Gainera, atari berrikustea funtsezko kontzeptuak ez du izan behar bezala itzulita izenak, helbideak, abizenak, etab., baina hobetzeko ahaleginak egin da handiena hiztegiak denez gero, itzulpen automatikoa zuzenean ezin da behar bezala itzulpena berrikustea gabe eskuliburua guztiak té itzulpenen kalitatea aldatu egiten dira; duna horiek seinaleztatuak eta hizkuntzaren arabera definitutako kalitate-atalaseak eta teknologia arloan gaur egun itzulpen automatikoa.

Aurkituz gero eta gehiago irauten du ataria ez den itzuli edo oker kontzeptua zegoen nabigatzen jarri harremanetan laguntza lortzeko ataria horren errakuntza zuzendu.


The translation of the portal displayed in front of you has been produced by a machine translation system and has not been checked by human translators.

This system known as PLATA uses opensource automatic machine translation engines based on rules and statistics. The systems have been trained using specific corpora for portal subject matters which tend to be of an administrative nature. A review has also been made of key concepts that must not be translated, like names, addresses, surnames, etc. Although the greatest possible effort is made to improve the dictionaries, in view of the fact that it is a machine translation without any direct manual checking, it is not possible to guarantee that all the terms have been correctly translated. The quality of the translations varies according to the language. The translations are characterised and specified by the quality thresholds provided by current technology in the matter of machine translation.

Should you come across an item that has been incorrectly translated or which should not be translated on the portal you are browsing, please contact the portal’s technical support team so that the error can be rectified.

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