CTT - Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología

Integrated Management System (AL-SIGM)

  • Short Name :
    AL SIGM (SIGEM community)
    Summary :
    AL-SIGM is a tool to manage the administrative procedures in a file. It provides public administration agencies with a system to gather all the documents associated with a file in electronic format, integrating the record, file and archive subsystems, as well as an application module for citizens, ready to apply in virtual offices.
    Target audience :
    General State Administration , Autonomous Communities , Any Public Administration , Local Entities
    Usage :
    Installable product
    Type of Solution :
    Status of the Solution :
    Organic area :
    Universities , Local
    Technical area :
    Management of services and systems , Electronic processing , Websites, electronic headquarters and attention to the citizen
    Functional area :
    Government and public sector
    License :
    EUPL (European Public License)
    Interoperability level :
    Programming language :
    Operating system :