CTT - Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología

060 Phone Number

  • Short Name :
    Summary :
    060 is the number of the General Administration Information Service and, as such, the only 'short' number exclusively belonging to the General Administration (in addition to special emergency numbers).
    Target audience :
    Usage :
    Network service infrastructure
    Type of Solution :
    Infrastructure or common service
    Status of the Solution :
    Organic area :
    State , State
    Technical area :
    Websites, electronic headquarters and attention to the citizen , Communications infrastructure and messenger , Horizontal services for the AA.PP
    Functional area :
    Government and public sector , Education, culture and sport , Energy , Economy and finance , Environment , Education, culture and sport , Health , Population and society , Transport , Regions and cities , Personal documents
    License :
    Not applicable
    Interoperability level :
    Programming language :
    JAVA , Web Services , XML

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