It defines a reference schema model for electronic identification and certification, in accordance with Law 39/2015 of Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations.
Target audience
Any Public Administration
Type of Solution
Status of the Solution
Organic area
Technical area
Standardization and regulation
Functional area
Government and public sector
Personal documents
Not applicable
Interoperability level
In accordance with Law 39/2015, the Digital Signature and Certificate Policy in the General Administration and its public bodies is comprised of the technical standards and guidelines applicable to the use of digital signature and certification within its scope of application. Article 18 of Royal Decree 4/2010, regulating the National Interoperability Framework, states that the General Administration Digital Signature and Certificate Policy should be the general interoperability framework for digital signature validation and mutual recognition within its scope of application. Likewise, it states that said policy could become a reference for other public administrations to design the signature and certificate policies to be applied within their scope of competence.
In broad terms, a digital signature policy should contain a series of rules about digital signature, revolving around the concepts of signature creation and validation in a specific context (legal, contractual, judicial, etc.) and defining the obligations of all parties involved. The whole process is aimed at determining the validity of a digital signature for a given transaction, stipulating the information to be included by the signatory when creating the signature and the information to be verified during the validation process.
Specifically, the General Administration Digital Signature Policy comprises all the common criteria followed by the Administration and the dependent or associated public bodies in connection with digital signature.
• It encompasses digital signature regulations, arranged in terms of signature creation and validation. • It includes the standardised, interoperable profiles of new citizen and public administration identification methods, as envisaged in Law 39/2015, namely, office, digital stamp and civil servant certificates. • It is set in a given context. • It helps build trust in e-transactions. • It defines rules and obligations for all the parties involved in a signature process. • It determines the validity of digital signature for specific transactions.