- Publicada la versión 3 del Esquema de Metadatos para la Gestión del Documento Electrónico (e-EMGDE)
- DEHú continúa su crecimiento con la inclusión de las notificaciones de la administración local de Cataluña
- Mi Carpeta Ciudadana incorpora el certificado de ausencia de antecedentes de delitos de naturaleza sexual
- Mi Carpeta Ciudadana ya tiene disponible para cada persona la misma información que recibe en su tarjeta censal
- La SGAD pone en marcha MiFacturae, el nuevo servicio para la generación de facturas electrónicas
- El Catastro y la Secretaría General de Administración Digital ponen en marcha una nueva aplicación móvil ‘Catastro_app’
Application to generate certified paper copies of documents with digital signature and receipts of digital signature (eVisor)
- Short Name :
- eVisor
- Summary :
- eVisor is an application to create digital signature receipts and reports in PDF or ODF formats. When the receipts or reports are added a digital stamp or a SVC, they become certified copies. Both report requests and replies are made via web services. eVisor uses XSL templates to create the reports, so that applications can then use their specific formats or layouts.
- Target audience :
- Any Public Administration
- Usage :
- Installable product
- Type of Solution :
- Open source application
- Status of the Solution :
- Production
- Organic area :
- State
- Technical area :
- Electronic processing , Horizontal services for the AA.PP , Support for the processing mail
- Functional area :
- Government and public sector , Personal documents
- License :
- EUPL (European Public License)
- Interoperability level :
- Technical
- Operating system :
- Linux
The application to generate certified paper copies of documents with digital signature and receipts of digital signature (eVisor) brings digital signature to end-users by generating legible documents including signature information. It is available to bodies in the public administration as ready-to-install software.
eVisor generates signature reports or certified paper copies of documents with digital signature (PDF or ODF formats). The reports may contain different types of information about the signing process, the signatory, the signing date, and so on.
The reports are generated using custom-made XSL templates recorded in the system, individual bodies being able to choose their settings to present their reports.
Report generation requests include the following settings:
• Application identifier values.
• XSL template being used.
• Signature to be viewed or signature location in a repository. Also, replies from the @firma platform can be transferred after signature validation.Additionally, the following can be included:
• Original document (or document location in a repository), in case a receipt is being included.
• Security verification code (SVC).
• Request for the report to be signed by eVisor, including stamp certificate.
• Barcode or QR code.eVisor includes a graphic management interface for:
• Registration of applications and organisational units in the system, with special settings for various aspects, such as template allocation, certificates to be signed, etc.
• Templates.
• @firma platforms interacting with the system (e.g. Ministry’s central platform or federated systems).
• Keystore management and certificate management for signing and validating operations.
Enlaces de interés
Destacados CTT
- Publicada la versión 3 del Esquema de Metadatos para la Gestión del Documento Electrónico (e-EMGDE)
- DEHú continúa su crecimiento con la inclusión de las notificaciones de la administración local de Cataluña
- Mi Carpeta Ciudadana incorpora el certificado de ausencia de antecedentes de delitos de naturaleza sexual
- Mi Carpeta Ciudadana ya tiene disponible para cada persona la misma información que recibe en su tarjeta censal
- La SGAD pone en marcha MiFacturae, el nuevo servicio para la generación de facturas electrónicas
- El Catastro y la Secretaría General de Administración Digital ponen en marcha una nueva aplicación móvil ‘Catastro_app’