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OECD Digital Government Index 2023

The OECD Digital Government Index (DGI) (Opens in new window) assesses the efforts made by governments to establish the foundations necessary for a digital transformation of the public sector that is coherent and human-centred. The 2023 edition comprises 155 data points from 33 member countries, 4 accession countries and 1 partner country collected in 2022, covering the period between 01 January 2020 and 31 October 2022., and groups them into six dimensions : Digital by Design, Data-Driven Public Sector, Governance as a Platform, Open by Default, User-Driven, and Proactiveness.

Spain ranks 15th among the countries covered by the report, with an overall score (0.599) almost equal to the OECD average (0.605). Among the dimensions analysed, 'Open by default' stands out where it occupies the 7th position, demonstrating a solid strategic approach and more effective policies to manage and use open government data. It also obtained a good score (0.697) in 'Digital from Design', where it ranked 12th.

Infographic explained in the previous paragraph