CTT - Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología

Interoperability Node of the Spanish University System

  • Short Name :
    Summary :
    CRUE Spanish Universities, with the collaboration of RedIRIS and MINHAFP, launches its Interoperability Node of the Spanish University System (NISUE), which makes, for the first time, in Spanish universities in data coming from academics, in alignment with the law 39 / 2015, and promotes the scene of interoperability between public sector bodies.
    Target audience :
    Any Public Administration
    Type of Solution :
    Infrastructure or common service
    Status of the Solution :
    Organic area :
    Technical area :
    Semantic Assets , Horizontal services for the AA.PP , Support for the processing mail
    Functional area :
    Education, culture and sport
    License :
    Not applicable
    Interoperability level :
    Organizational , Semantic , Technical
    Programming language :
    J2EE , Web Services
    Operating system :

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