The ITC Platform grants different public administrations access to information and data already stored by the administration. Otherwise citizens would have to submit this information or data through specific paper certificates. This platform is key to implement the right of citizens not to submit information or data already at the disposal of the administration. This right is foreseen in the Law 39/2015 of Citizens electronic access to public services. Currently this ict system or platform provides access and verification to the following information: verification of identity information, residence, unemployment benefits, official qualifications, Social Security Treasure TGSS ( Tesoreria General de la Seguridad Social), State Tax Administration Agency AEAT (Agencia Estatal de Administracion Tributaria)
Target audience
Any Public Administration
Network service integrable in customers applications
Type of Solution
Infrastructure or common service
Status of the Solution
Organic area
Technical area
Horizontal services for the AA.PP
Semantic Assets
Functional area
Personal documents
Government and public sector
Not applicable
Interoperability level
Programming language
The brokering Platform acts as a gateway for access to multiple basic records. This allows any agency of the administration to verify the basic data contained in those records that have agreed to provide information through the SCSP protocol and meet the requirements of the Technical Standard for Interoperability Protocol data brokerage. The platform provides access to over 75 types of data contained in the basic records and it is constantly growing and evolving. You can view the "Catalogue of data verification and consultation services" in the download area of the SVD solution in the CTT .
Consultations to data verification services can be automatically performed from a process managing application, adapting it to invoke the web services provided by the service. It also can be accessed using the SCSP Portfolio Solutions that offers a range of different solutions (cloud client, client application to install, libraries, etc.) adapted to different needs of customer organizations.
All types of data requests are validated and checked whether the requesting application is authorized to conduct such consultation. If everything is correct, SVD will process such consultation ensuring the integrity and security of it, and it will respond to the requester body with the verification of the data accessed. SVD also registers all operations, signing and time stamping to ensure both the integrity of the message and the time of the request.