The Integration Libraries With @firma Platform and Server Signature (Integr@) comprise Java classes, configuration files and XML templates for the integration of applications with @firma web services.
They also contain classes to implement signature co-signature and counter-signature functions in various formats for easy inclusion of digital signature from the server.
Target audience
Any Public Administration
Installable product
Type of Solution
Open source application
Status of the Solution
Organic area
Technical area
Horizontal services for the AA.PP
Support for the processing mail
Functional area
Government and public sector
Personal documents
EUPL (European Public License)
Interoperability level
Programming language
Operating system
The Integration Libraries With @firma Platform and Server Signature (Integr@) comprise Java classes, configuration files and XML templates for the integration of applications with @firma WS.
Integr@ has the following functions:
• Automated access to @firma web services (communication, security, authorisation). • Generation of XML interfaces or parameters for @firma platform V5 services. • Parsing or transformation of @firma XML replies into a set a parameters.
The users of the integration kit shall interact from a library or an application programming interface (API) in JAR format.
Two software components are provided to be used independently: one for @firma service requests and another for the transformation of parameters into XML messages and vice versa.
For the configuration of the software components, external configuration files are provided, which are independent from the environment in which they are used.
The application used for the integration must use Java as programming language.