CTT - Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología

Framework for Fast PHP Web Application Development Framework (gvHIDRA)

  • Short Name :
    Summary :
    gvHIDRA is an open-source framework for fast web application development in PHP. Its features include: standardised developments, high productivity, user-friendly interface, database independence, separate business and presentation logics, etc.
    Target audience :
    Any Public Administration
    Usage :
    Installable product
    Type of Solution :
    Open source application
    Status of the Solution :
    Organic area :
    Technical area :
    Horizontal services for the AA.PP
    Functional area :
    Government and public sector
    License :
    GPL (GNU General Public License)
    Interoperability level :
    Programming language :
    HTML , JAVA , PHP , Web Services
    Operating system :
    Windows , Linux , MAC