CTT - Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología

Addition of licensing headers

  • Short Name :
    Summary :
    The solution has two Linux scripts. The first one, called "", generates 3 listings in which the files that have a licensing header are collected, the files that have a licensing header along with it and the files that do not have a licensing header. By default, it is configured to scan JAVA, XML, JSP, CSS, DTD, HTML, and PROPERTIES files.
    The second script, called " ", adds the licensing headers to the files you want. By default, it is configured to add headers to the JAVA, XML, JSP, CSS, DTD, HTML, and PROPERTIES files.
    Target audience :
    Any Public Administration , Citizens , Business , General State Administration , Autonomous Communities , Local Entities
    Usage :
    Installable product
    Type of Solution :
    Status of the Solution :
    Organic area :
    Functional area :
    Government and public sector
    License :
    EUPL (European Public License)
    Interoperability level :
    Operating system :


    The solution has two Linux scripts. The first one, called "", generates 3 listings in which the files that have a licensing header are collected, the files that have a licensing header along with it and the files that do not have a licensing header. By default, it is configured to scan JAVA, XML, JSP, CSS, DTD, HTML, and PROPERTIES files.
    The second script, called  " ", adds the licensing headers to the files you want. By default, it is configured to add headers to the JAVA, XML, JSP, CSS, DTD, HTML, and PROPERTIES files.


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