
Summary of Spain in international rankings

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The following data illustrate the perception of Spain from abroad in relation to aspects related to e-government development, digital public services provision or citizen’s online participation, as well as others aspects in that field as interoperability and open data.

Summary chart of international indicators
Indicator Position
OECD Digital Government Index 2023 15
United Nations eGovernment Survey 2022: Leading countries with very high  E-Government Development Index (EGDI) 17
The Global Innovation Index 2023: online government services 25
The Global Innovation Index 2023: online participation 25
OURData Index Report (OCDE): Open Government Data 2023 5
Global Cybersecurity Index (UIT) 2024 Tier 1 (T1)
Summary chart of european indicators
Indicator Position
United Nations eGovernment Survey 2020, ranking 7th of EU countries  7
eGovernment Benchmark Report 2024: Digital Government Maturity, ranking 12th of EU countries  12
Open Data Maturity in Europe Report 2023 5
LIFO Report 2020 8


  • OECD Digital Government Index 2023

    30 enero 2024

    Spain ranks 15th among the countries covered by the report with an overall score (0.599) almost equal to the OECD average (0.605). Among the dimensions analysed, 'Open by default' stands out where it occupies the 7th position.

  • UN eGovernment survey 2024

    18 septiembre 2024

    Spain is in the group of countries with very high performance in the E-Government Development Index (EGDI), maintaining 17th position in global ranking.

  • The Global Innovation Index 2023

    13 octubre 2023

    This index gives Spain the 29th position of 132 countries and the 18th position among European countries


  • ITU Global Cybersecurity Index 2024

    13 septiembre 2024

    Spain is ranked at Tier 1 (T1), both globally and in the European Union.

  • Digital Decade 2030 Report 2024

    02 julio 2024

    Spain in a favourable strategic position to achieve the objectives set by the European Union in this area.

  • European eGovernment Benchmark 2024

    02 julio 2024

    Spain is located at the medium-high level of digital government maturity with 79%, above the European average (76%), ranking 12th among EU countries.


  • The state-of-play report on digital public administration and interoperability 2023

    10 octubre 2023

    The EIF Monitoring Mechanism has 47 recommendations and 68 KPIs. Spain leads the average results in the three fields analyzed: KPIs, EIF Recommendations and EIF Pillars.

  • The study "Open Data Maturity in Europe"

    14 diciembre 2023

    Spain ranks 5th place in the global ranking, 4th place EU countries, in open data at the European level

  • LIFO REPORT 2020

    14 febrero 2022

    The Location Interoperability Framework Observatory's state-of-the-art report provides an overview of the information collected on location interoperability.

  • OECD Digital Government Index 2023

    30 enero 2024

    Spain ranks 15th among the countries covered by the report with an overall score (0.599) almost equal to the OECD average (0.605). Among the dimensions analysed, 'Open by default' stands out where it occupies the 7th position.

  • UN eGovernment survey 2024

    18 septiembre 2024

    Spain is in the group of countries with very high performance in the E-Government Development Index (EGDI), maintaining 17th position in global ranking.

  • The Global Innovation Index 2023

    13 octubre 2023

    This index gives Spain the 29th position of 132 countries and the 18th position among European countries


  • ITU Global Cybersecurity Index 2024

    13 septiembre 2024

    Spain is ranked at Tier 1 (T1), both globally and in the European Union.

  • Digital Decade 2030 Report 2024

    02 julio 2024

    Spain in a favourable strategic position to achieve the objectives set by the European Union in this area.

  • European eGovernment Benchmark 2024

    02 julio 2024

    Spain is located at the medium-high level of digital government maturity with 79%, above the European average (76%), ranking 12th among EU countries.


  • The state-of-play report on digital public administration and interoperability 2023

    10 octubre 2023

    The EIF Monitoring Mechanism has 47 recommendations and 68 KPIs. Spain leads the average results in the three fields analyzed: KPIs, EIF Recommendations and EIF Pillars.

  • The study "Open Data Maturity in Europe"

    14 diciembre 2023

    Spain ranks 5th place in the global ranking, 4th place EU countries, in open data at the European level

  • LIFO REPORT 2020

    14 febrero 2022

    The Location Interoperability Framework Observatory's state-of-the-art report provides an overview of the information collected on location interoperability.

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