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At a time of continuous changes, in which the efficiency and competitiveness of the organizations are the basis of the economy, a large number of countries have set in motion various initiatives aimed at the review of their work, with the aim of minimizing the costs in economic terms and / or social imposed by governments on citizens and businesses.

E-government strategies

In recent years are analyzed, specifying in the state level, the actions taken have been important in all administrations, national, regional and local levels. Each has its administrations but the goals in all of them are very similar. Not so, the level of progress and development of electronic services. The General state administration has been a pioneer in developing and implementing telematic services, but the momentum towards eadministración decided is executed as the plan Modernizes and continue through the different strategic plans that are launched various initiatives. From the eadministración for REGIONAL GOVERNMENTS has been very heterogeneous but, however, the trend in all of them has followed the same path. This section will review the main actions that the various public administrations are made to boost eadministración and the state in which they find themselves.

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