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Decision of the council of ministers by approving the Plan of Capacity for mainstreaming IPv6 in spain

03 may 2011

It is a joint initiative of the ministry of industry, tourism and trade (MITYC) and the ministry of Territorial policy and public administration (MPTAP) whose aim is to promote and accelerate the deployment of the optional IPv6 on infrastructure and services of the information society in general and E-government, in particular.

The “ Decision of the council of ministers by approving the Plan of capacity for mainstreaming IPv6 in spain (Opens in new window) ” is a joint initiative of the ministry of industry, tourism and trade (MITYC) and the ministry of Territorial policy and public administration (MPTAP). The aim is to promote and accelerate the deployment of the optional IPv6 on infrastructure and services of the information society in general and E-government, in particular.
The depletion of the area of addressing the Internet, together with the need to incorporate other technological innovations, require the AAPP lead the process of transition to IPv6 IPv4. This need has been identified as priority within the whole of the european Union, the agreement a first step as a result of the commitments contained in the “ European action Plan on E-government 2011-2015 (Opens in new window) ”, indicating that “ the administrations will have to take steps to update, in connection with the IPv6, infrastructure of electronic administration (portals, web sites, applications, etc.) and on-line services of public interest ”.
In the area of the General state administration, the momentum of the incorporation of IPv6 within the infrastructure and services of E-government materialize in the following aspects of the agreement:
• incorporation of the protocol in the IPv6 Internet services MITYC (Opens in new window) and 060 of MPTAP (Opens in new window) . Both projects will have the status of priority projects and followed by CP-CSAE, being a practical reference to other public bodies

• E-government Portal of the Observatory of E-government would provide information on the process of incorporating AAPP IPv6.

• MPTAP will boost the incorporation of the optional IPv6 AAPP through collegial bodies responsible for the E-government. In particular, will initiate studies to provide IPv6 addressing public administrations, update the Plan of addressing and interconnection of networks of the administration and technical standards for interoperability and include within the Plan of action of E-government of the General state administration 2011-15, now under development, the necessary measures for mainstreaming IPv6 network in the SARA. Similarly, shall be defined training actions of those responsible for Internet services for the administration.

• MPTAP will boost the incorporation of IPv6 as a requirement in the public purchase products and services of information technologies and communications, taking as a reference to this preferably international standards or recommendations.

• MPTAP together with MITYC will follow-up and coordination in international forums of the process of transition to IPv6 IPv4.

  • Electronic services


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