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PAe - available for publication and dismissal of assets ”
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Available for publication and dismissal of assets ”

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05 may 2015

This guide provides guidance for publication and dismissal of reusable assets, whether applications, data models, documentation or information, being for the publication of assets PTT , ICSE and

The “ guía de publication and dismissal of assets ”, provides guidance for the publication and dismissal of reusable assets, whether applications, data models, documentation or information, in accordance with the corresponding regulations, law 11/07 and law 37/2007 with its respective developments.
From the point of view of this guide, it is understood as reusable 'active' any type of material in electronic format intended to be followed by a recurrent. Classic examples of reusable assets are:

  • Computer programs or applications (software).
  • The assets in the applications as guides and manuals, interfaces, data models, lists of codification, algorithms, design patterns, architectures, specification of requirements, design and test, guides of use.
  • Public sector information.
  • Other assets as documents, video, audio, promotional materials, etc.

It defines the concept of liberation, as that procedure for the division carried out by a Public Administration of any assets encumbered under a license from open sources in the case of software, or under a kind of openness in the case of other assets.
Seguidamente, la guía desarrolla el procedimiento de liberación de activos estructurado en cuatro grandes fases:

  1. Study and analysis.
  2. Selection of the licence.
  3. Preparation of the asset to the distribution.
  4. Publication in a repository.

This applies to the disclosure of assets, in the centre of technology transfer PTT the centre of Semantic Interoperability ICSE the portal and reuse of public sector information (Opens in new window)

The “ guía de publication and dismissal of assets ” responds to a gap of guidance identified in this area the reuse of assets and attends the existing demand in this regard, to meet the following:

  • Los artículos 45 y 46 de la Ley 11/2007, de 22 de junio, de acceso electrónico de los ciudadanos a los Servicios Públicos, así como a lo dispuesto en los artículos 16 y 17 del Real Decreto 4/2010, de 8 de enero, por el que se regula el Esquema Nacional de Interoperabilidad en el ámbito de la Administración Electrónica (en adelante, ENI). De hecho, el capítulo '4. Estudio y análisis previo', el '8. Gestión de un activo software de fuentes abiertas' y el anexo II 'Lista de control de liberación de activos', profundizan por su peculiaridad en aspectos propios de la liberación de activos de tipo programas de ordenador o aplicaciones (software).
  • The Act 37/2007 of 16 november, on re-use of public sector information and its developments, the royal Decree No. 1495/2011, of 24 october, which develops law 37/2007 of 16 november, on re-use of public sector information, to the scope of the state sector and the technical standard of Interoperability of reuse of information, within the framework laid down in directive 2003/98/ec as amended by directive 2013/37/Eu.

Para su elaboración se ha contado con la colaboración de CENATIC.

  • Interoperability
  • Centre for technology transfer
  • Open government, reports and studies
  • Free Software
  • Development of systems, applications and Solutions