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Digital Masters of

  • online
  • 03 february 2022
  • 08:45

The main conference digital policy in europe, where a series of discussions will live on topics such as IA, cybersecurity, data and many more related to digital services in the public sector.

Digital technology were crucial for the initial response from europe to the crisis in the COVID. Recovery will also digital, with europe by setting aside an unprecedented investment 150 billion euros and launching a set of ambitious initiatives. Guided by the manifesto of DIGITALEUROPE, the eu has set objectives for the next decade to modernize our companies, improve infrastructure and provide training opportunities for citizens.

This is the opportunity for Europe to lead. Since artificial intelligence to the Internet of things, europe is showing the way in terms of regulating emerging technologies.

Will address issues such as:

  • What is the role of IA in transforming the way we do business?
  • How can we use the data to improve our lives?
  • How can we ensure that the digital world safe from the cyber threats?
  • What needs to be done to trigger the technological revolution.
  • How can we work with our main international partners to find solutions to work beyond the borders?

And finally, a distinction to the most promising young company in europe as a next future Unicorno "".

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