
PAe - Guide of safety standards of the national security
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La Guía de normas de seguridad del Esquema Nacional de Seguridad

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28 february 2018

Updates the Guide CCN-STIC 821 "Guide of safety standards of the NHIS" as part of the set of standards developed by the centre National Cryptologic, for the implementation of the national security in the public Sector.

The CCN-CERT (Opens in new window) has updated on its website the Guide CCN-STIC 821 of safety standards in the national security (NHIS) (Opens in new window) the aim of providing a guide to the relationship of safety standards to the entities of the scope of application of the royal decree 3/2010, which regulates the NHIS.

The Centre National Cryptologic notes that the publication - whose purpose is to the protection of the services provided to citizens and between different administraciones- and compliance with those standards in general, will contribute to the use of resources and information systems on the part of public administrations, ensuring the protection of the rights of citizens and their data in its relations with Them.

La Guía CCN-STIC 821 realiza una introducción a las Normas de Seguridad y su ámbito de aplicación, así como un apartado de regulaciones internas a las entidades del Sector Público y las Guías CCN-STIC como fuente de modelos de normas.

El documento incluye, además, una sección de convenciones usadas y contenido y el desarrollo normativo de la política de seguridad. Por último, se añade un apartado de métricas e indicadores de cumplimiento, así como una bibliografía de referencia.

Source ogriginal the news (Opens in new window) .

  • Security